November 2024
We have a whole new look to the site that was launched in April this year, the project is ongoing, with new graphics and layouts. I hope you enjoy the experience.
October 2020
The website was given a whole new look - we hope you like it!
Christopher Manlow sent this FAB picture of a Boeing 727 in Corfu!

October 3rd 2019
We are pleased to be working with the Dan Air team at Newcastle & Tees Side who are planning a reunion. The numbers and email address are on the banner below.
*Update - The banner worked! It has been taken down now as the word spread and the chap working on the reunion was mobbed! However he is pleased that colleagues and he are able to go ahead with their reunion.
Dear D A R,
I am an ex employee of Dan Air and GHS, (ships papers/ramp agent/loadmaster), working there, on and off, from the later sixties to the mid '70s. I am in the late stages of writing a book on my experiences during my twenty-five plus years in aviation, part of which details my time with the company.
One particular episode relates to the double engine failure suffered by Sport Martin in an Airspeed Ambassador, from which - with his customary good fortune - he and everybody else on board managed to walk away unscathed, he having managed to unfeather a prop, restart an engine and land safely.
This short piece in the book has been written from my own faded memory and from hearsay. So, it would be much better to have the story from the horse's mouth, as it were. To this end, I wonder if it would be possible to contact Sport, or for somebody at DR to do so on my behalf, to ask if he would be willing to receive mail from me? Though he won't remember me, I often dispatched his flights, compiled his load-sheets and met him in Ramp office.
Though his story is used, neither he nor the company is named in the book, so there is no pressure on him whatsoever, especially since the his crew acquitted themselves magnificently in the circumstances; it's purely for the sake of veracity: I should like to write it just the way it happened.
If you can be of any assistance in this matter, I should be very grateful.
Paul Norman.
We know that this website is the most comprehensive Dan - Air resource anywhere on line. A lot of the credit for that goes to Captain Alan Selby. He encouraged the site to 'take off'. He told us "A lot of people think that only one or two people ever worked for Dan-Air." Alan wanted the site to have as much information on it as possible about the company for everyone to see. He was responsible, along with his group of friends for compiling lists of staff and sending details of everything from production lists to in flight magazines. He was a 'go to' source for the many technical questions that come into us. Some of the questions were so off the wall that we thought we would never find the answer - Alan did! The Duxford Aviation Society contacted us with a picture of an obscure part of an Ambassador Aircraft that they couldn't identify - they had tried everywhere and came to us in desperation. Once again, Alan came good. It is only fitting that as we launch our new 2018 website with a brand new look and feel, that it should be dedicated to the man who made so much of it possible. Of course, our deepest condolences go to his wife, Val. A former Dan-Air stewardess herself. We think Alan and Val would be pleased with our continued efforts and touched that we have also dedicated the entire website to Alan. Alan, who had learned his trade at the RAF went on to fly with Dan-Air as a Captain on the Comet. Later he flew on the Boeing 727 and the Boeing 737. He went onto British Airways at the takeover and worked there until his retirement. He never lost his interest in Aviation. He had many interests outside, including spending time with his Son and Grandchildren. He will be missed by this web site's developer.
Wilfred Jones
I apologise for being the bearer of sad news. I have recently heard that Wilf Jones, Finance Director of Davies and Newman died on 24th May of stomach cancer. He had a difficult time but stayed at home rather than going into a hospice, which made it all the more upsetting for his family, even though there was help from carers. It was a relief when the end came. Wilf had his 85th birthday in February. He would have been married to Valarie for 59 years on 4th June.
His funeral will be at New Southgate Crematorium at 11:15 on Friday 16 June
JANUARY 23rd 2017
We have had a message from Duxford telling us about an exciting aviation day:
My name is Keith Bradshaw and I am one of the organising committee members for a new and exciting event to be held at Duxford this summer. Airliner day is promoted jointly by the Duxford Aviation Society and the IWM. It will be a celebration of all things Airline and Airliner and is being run as a fund raiser for the iconic British Airliner Collection which includes 12 classic British airliners from the late 1940’s to the 1980’s. These include such types as Comet, Concorde, Viscount, Ambassador, Britannia, VC10, Herald and BAC 1-11. We plan to have all the airliners open for the public to visit, bespoke cockpit visits will also be available. Guided tours and an aircraft departure re-enactment will bring the story to life. There will be the opportunity for a member of the public to operate the controls during a Concorde nose droop demo. Also on the day the British Airways band will be providing music and there will be a collection of classic cars, pleasure flying, raffle, quiz, displays, sales stalls and military vehicle rides along with a small static display .There will not be a flying display. Entry to the event will be free with a normal museum admittance ticket but some of the attractions will incur an additional charge.
As part of the event we are inviting old/retired staff associations of the many now gone but not forgotten airlines. Could you please let your members know about this event and if any could come in their old uniforms that would add to the atmosphere of the day no end. If your association would like to have a sales/promotional stall at the event please let me know on
Many thanks for your time and we hope you can join us on June 18th for this unique event.
10th November 2016
Updates to the magazine section. New images from the Summer 1980 magazine here
New leaflets for the Boeing 727 introduction & Affinity flights to the USA and Canada here
10th November 2016
- Updates to the magazine section. New images from the Summer 1980 magazine here
- New leaflets for the Boeing 727 introduction & Affinity flights to the USA and Canada here
The website continues to go from strength to strength with 500 visitors on average per day in October. This follows the total redesign of the website. We had several emails of commendation.