Type: 707 321
Serial Number: 17599
Entered Service: 06/03/71
Last Flown: 16/10/79
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Ex N721PA sold to Del Air Inc Miami 26/10/79
Serial Number: 17599
Entered Service: 06/03/71
Last Flown: 16/10/79
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Ex N721PA sold to Del Air Inc Miami 26/10/79
Type: 707 321
Serial Number: 17600
Entered Service: 05/05/72
Last Flown: 14/11/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Ex N722PA Scrapped at Lasham May 1982.
Type: 707 321C
Serial Number: 18579
Entered Service: 30/06/76
Last Flown: 14/05/77
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Crashed in Lusaka Report Here (Opens in a new window)
Serial Number: 18579
Entered Service: 30/06/76
Last Flown: 14/05/77
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Crashed in Lusaka Report Here (Opens in a new window)
Type: 707 321C
Serial Number: 18591
Entered Service: 21/05/76
Last Flown: 05/07/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Sold to Compania Interamerica Export/Import for TAR Argentina
Type: 707 321
Serial Number: 19721
Entered Service: 07/07/77
Last Flown: 25/06/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Returned to Atasco 30/09/78
Serial Number: 19721
Entered Service: 07/07/77
Last Flown: 25/06/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: Returned to Atasco 30/09/78
Type: 707 321C
Serial Number: 19765
Entered Service: 02/01/77
Last Flown: 25/06/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: To Zimex, Switzerland 10/07/77
Serial Number: 19765
Entered Service: 02/01/77
Last Flown: 25/06/78
Obtained From: Pan Am
Notes: To Zimex, Switzerland 10/07/77
Dubbed 'The Ultimate Guide' to the 707
Nigel Grist
Monday 21 Dec 2020
Was this the ex Pan Am aircraft flown from Desert storage to Lasham undercariage down ?
I used to work with a gentleman called Ken, who had worked for Dan Air at Lasham.I remember many stories which he told and with regard to AYSL. The aircraft was a regular visitor to Lasham, often at short notice for urgent repair.
Apparently, any airborne gliders had flares fired in their vicinity to be warned of its impending arrival.
Once on the ground, if light was poor AYSL ( and other aircraft requiring maintenence) would be illuminated by a semi circle of Morris minor pickups, which Dan Air operated,headlights on and engines running !
How things have changed !
I used to work with a gentleman called Ken, who had worked for Dan Air at Lasham.I remember many stories which he told and with regard to AYSL. The aircraft was a regular visitor to Lasham, often at short notice for urgent repair.
Apparently, any airborne gliders had flares fired in their vicinity to be warned of its impending arrival.
Once on the ground, if light was poor AYSL ( and other aircraft requiring maintenence) would be illuminated by a semi circle of Morris minor pickups, which Dan Air operated,headlights on and engines running !
How things have changed !
Thomas Singfield
Tuesday 07 Apr 2020
you have G-BEZN listed but it is G-BEZT.