The following workshops could be found at Dan - Air Engineering
- Battery Shop
- Brake Shop
- Components Shop
- Components Painting Shop
- Electrical Shop
- Flight Data Recording Shop
- Fibreglass Shop
- Hydraulics Shop
- Instrument Shop
- Machine Shop
- Wheel / Tyre Shop
- NDT Shop
- Oxygen Shop
- Power Plant Shop
- Pressure Shop
- Radio Shop
- Safety Equipment Shop
- Sheet Metal Shop
- Thrust Reverser Shop
- Upholstery Shop
- Welding Shop
Airlines who Dan-Air Engineering serviced aircraft for included:
Aer Lingus (Boeing 707)
Aer Turas Ireland (Canadair CL44)
Aerovias Quisqueyana - Dominican Republic - (Boeing 707)
Air Afra (Boeing 727)
Air Atlantique (DC3 - DC7)
Air Bridge Carriers (Vickers Vanguard)
Air Ecosse (BAC 1-11)
Air Europe (Boeing 737 - Boeing 757)
Air Malta (Boeing 720)
Air UK Leisure (Boeing 737)
Air Wales (BAC 1-11)
Angola Airlines (Boeing 737)
Bayu Indonesia Air (Boeing 707)
British Air Ferries (Bristol Freighter - BAe 146)
British Airways (BAC 1-11 HS 748)
British Airtours (Boeing 707)
British Caledonian (BAC 1-11)
British Cargo (Boeing 707)
British Eagle (BAC 1-11)
British Island Airways (BAC 1-11 - MD 82)
British Midland Airways (Boeing 707)
Britt Airways (BAC 1-11)
Burkina Faso Government (Boeing 727)
Channel Airways (DH Heron)
Cyprus Airways (BAC 1-11 Canadair CL 44)
Dallah Albaraka - Private (Boeing 727)
DAS Air Cargo (Boeing 707)
G-BEJW - Corporate Jet (BAC 1-11)
Government of Brunei (Boeing 727)
Federal Express (Boeing 727)
Hawaiian Air (DC9)
Hinduja Cargo Services (Boeing 727)
HZ-MO1 - Private (BAC 1-11)
Lacsa - Peru (BAC 1-11)
Laker Airways (Boeing 707)
LIAT (HS 748)
Loganair (BAC 1-11)
Maersk Air (HS 748)
Manx Airlines (BAC 1-11)
Okada Air (BAC 1-11 -Boeing 727)
Oriental Airlines (BAC 1-11)
MAC (Bristol Freighter)
MK Airlines (DC8)
Perfect Air Tours (Boeing 707)
Philippines Airways (HS 748)
Redcoat Airlines (Canadair CL44)
Republic of Zaire (Boeing 727)
Royal Flight Of Oman (VC 10)
Sagitair (Beach D18S)
SAN Ecuador (Boeing 727)
Saudi wings (BAC 1-11)
Scimitar Airlines (Boeing 707)
Sheikh Hassan Enany (Private Boeing 727)
South Coast Air Services (DC3)
Spartan Air Services (Avro York)
St Lucia Airways (Boeing 707)
Staravia (Bristol Freighter)
State Of Oman (BAC 1-11)
State of Qatar (Boeing 707)
TACV - Transportes Aereos de Cabo Verde (HS 748)
TAR Cargo (Boeing 707)
Thomas Lamb Airways (Bristol Freighter)
Tradewinds (CL44 - Boeing 707)
Transmeridean Air Cargo (Canadair CL44)
Trans Arabia Airways (DC 4)
Turkish Airlines (Boeing 707)
United Arab Emirates Government (Boeing 707 - Boeing 727)
Venture (HS 748)
VR-BHN - Corporate Jet - (Boeing 727)
VR-CBA - Corporate Jet (Boeing 727)
VR-CBV - Corporate Jet (Boeing 727)
Zaire Government (Boeing 727)
Explore These Sections About Dan-Air People
jeff watson brown
Saturday 29 Jul 2023
Richard how you doing long time no see.
mike ward
Monday 14 Mar 2022
Nice to see Ken Hillier in this photo who was the training manager at Smiths Industries Basingstoke, who sadly passed away last year
Richard George
Friday 11 Sep 2020
We also maintained British Airways' 737 & 757 aircraft.
Lionel Clarke
Sunday 17 Nov 2019
This 748 service was done before we opened up Hangar 4, fully for the overhauls at Manchester. I was the Plant Foreman/Engineer, running the hangar installation