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Title:  Ms

First Name:  Julia

Surname:  Burton

Your Email Address:  j.dale2@sky.com

Base:  Newcastle
Base (If not on the list above):  East Midlands/Stansted/Gatwick

Position With Dan Air:  Cabin Crew

Types Flown:  1-11/146/727/737

Starting Year At Dan Air:  1984

Leaving Year At Dan Air:  1992

Where Are You Now?:  North Lincolnshire

Tell Us About Your Time At Dan Air:  First 2 seasons at East Midlands with Newcastle in between then next 2 at Stansed, 1986/7 followed by Gatwick and then Newcastle from 1990. Happiest days of my life - an amazing group of people, a real family and never been on another airline since that came close to our cabin service.

What Are You Doing These Days?:  Working as a Manager for the worlds local bank. Yawn!

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