Title: Mrs
First Name: Allie
Surname: MacVicar (now Hanson)
Base: London Gatwick
Position With Dan Air: Cabin crew
Types Flown: 1 -11 and 727
Starting Year At Dan Air: 1987
Leaving Year At Dan Air: 1990
Where Are You Now?: Retired
Us About Your Time At Dan Air: LOVED working for Dans ! OMG this is ME
!!! The one with the bob, I'm 19 years old here - now 45 !! Allie
MacVicar. Such wonderful memories. Sitting on the flight deck jumpseat
on the Bac 1-11 having a knee check - the meals piled so high they
slipped onto laps - the dodgy trays to put out on the 727 (with backward
seats) - the champagne (!!!!!!) one girl supplied her wedding ! - that
fab tortilla downroute - buying all those beers - Sol I think - the
inverness daystop - the nightstops and a special trip to Cannes) - ELITE
!!! - the vomit in the seat pockets - sliding down the aisle on the
wooden trays - anyone grabbing the intercom thing when we hit turbulence
- dreading briefings with bridget the trainer - never getting a
permanent contract cos I failed to answer a 6 am call out once
(hungover) - the bus from Z carpark - anyone remember the Dodgy Aussie
Doctor for medicals ?? he had me BUNNY HOPPING half naked across the
room "to check my back". He went back to Oz PDQ ! Lots more to remember,
just so excited to be part of this site, my beloved Dan Air !!!!
What Are You Doing These Days?: retired after flying for Virgin