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Title:  Ms

First Name:  oya

Surname:  yörük

Your Email Address:  oyayoruk@hotmail.de

Base:  Berlin

Position With Dan Air:  No 1 check hostess Traınıng hostess

Starting Year At Dan Air:  1971

Leaving Year At Dan Air:  1991

Where Are You Now?:  Bodrum turkey

Tell Us About Your Time At Dan Air:  Ihad most wonderful 20 years with this incredıble airline and colleagues.The years Id spent with DAN AİR I will treasure them till I die. I dont want to sound too sentımental and too Orıental but (Iam one sorry) DAN AİR dont exıst any more but will always contınue to exist in our heart Iam sure every tıme I see one of Dan air aircrafts Picture I realıse my apprecıatıon and my longing for Dan air never got less and I consıder my self very lucky to work for this incredıble airlıne I better stop all my kindest regard to those people who worked for Dan air

What Are You Doing These Days?:  enjoyıng life
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