Dan-Air Remembered has always aimed to be current, using the best technology and graphics to show-case the airline. Dan-Air may have been absorbed into British Airways in 1992 - but that doesn't mean that the website has to look as though it was designed that year! The main problem I find is that the aircraft wearing Dan-Air colours date to the nineties. Thanks to good graphics I am able to make the aircraft look as though they are still the pride of the sky! Thanks for all your lovely messages of support. The words make me want to carry on doing the site. It is a lot of work, and there's only myself doing the techie things - In any case, I hope you enjoy the new look to the main page. There has been quite a lot of new stuff added to the timeline. I did wonder if anyone would actually plough through all the words - there's A LOT of content - It seems you do read it. If you want to contribute to any part of the site, I would love to hear from you To head straight to the TIMELINE follow the link.

Take Part In The Website
Throughout the website you will see that several people have given me quotes, or stories about their time at Dan-Air. There's also stories and views from travel industry professionals. A long time ago, I added a comment section at the bottom of most pages. This hasn't quite 'popped' but I am still keeping the option open for you. You all prefer to email me with your views - and that is great - But why not arrange for an interview? It would be even better if you had photographs to share about your time at the airline. You would have the veto to change anything you don't like. It's an informal interview, you control what we talk about, and believe me, the interest is there. More than 1.5 million people have visited the site, and the interest is still strong. What are you waiting for? Get in touch. To head straight to the DATELINE follow the link.